Amazon Web Services vs Google Cloud Platform

September 22, 2021

Amazon Web Services vs Google Cloud Platform: The Battle Among the Stars

When it comes to space technology, choosing the right cloud platform is crucial. Whether you're launching a satellite, managing orbital data, or operating a spacecraft, you need a reliable and efficient cloud infrastructure that can handle the vast amounts of data generated by space missions. Two of the most popular cloud platforms for space technology are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Let's take a closer look at how they compare.

Performance and Reliability

AWS is the largest cloud platform in the world and has been proven to be highly reliable. In 2019, AWS had the fewest network-related incidents among major cloud providers, according to ThousandEyes. AWS also has a wide network of data centers, which means lower latency and faster data processing times.

On the other hand, GCP is known for its advanced infrastructure and fast performance. In 2020, GCP had the fewest outage minutes among the three major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, and GCP), according to Canalys. GCP also has a highly efficient network infrastructure, which allows for faster data transfer and processing.

When it comes to performance and reliability, both AWS and GCP are highly capable cloud platforms. However, AWS has the advantage of a wider network of data centers, while GCP boasts faster performance.


AWS offers a wide range of services, which can make it difficult to calculate pricing. However, AWS offers a free tier service for some of its services like Amazon S3, Amazon EC2. AWS also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model for its services, which can be cost-effective for businesses that don't have a consistent workload.

GCP's pricing is generally more straightforward and offers more cost-effective options for users. GCP's sustained-use discounts, in particular, can be highly beneficial for businesses with workloads that run for longer periods of time.

When it comes to pricing, GCP has an edge over AWS with more straightforward pricing and better sustained-use discounts.

Integrations and Tools

AWS offers a wide range of tools and integrations, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Glacier, and Amazon Machine Learning. Developers can also use AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service that allows them to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

GCP also offers a wide range of tools and integrations, including Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud Storage, Google Bigtable, and Google Cloud Machine Learning. GCP also offers Cloud Functions, a serverless computing service similar to AWS Lambda.

When it comes to integrations and tools, both AWS and GCP have comprehensive offerings for developers. The choice ultimately comes down to which cloud platform best aligns with your specific needs and preferences.


Choosing between AWS and GCP ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences. AWS has the advantage of a wider network of data centers, while GCP boasts faster performance and better sustained-use discounts. Both cloud platforms offer comprehensive tools and integrations, making it essential for space technology purposes. Whatever decision you make, it’s essential to have a reliable and efficient cloud infrastructure that can handle the vast amounts of data generated by space missions.


  1. "ThousandEyes: 2019 Public Cloud Performance Benchmark Report", ThousandEyes, 2021
  2. "Canalys Cloud Channels Analysis Service on Cloud Outages: Q1 2020 Update", Canalys, 2020

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